© © Tourismusverband Donau Oberösterreich | Kuscheiart
Freundinnen wandern beim Rannastausee Neustift
Freundinnen wandern beim Rannastausee Neustift

in the Danube Region
in Upper Austria

Get into the flow step by step

Hiking in the Danube region means immersing yourself in nature and discovering the different types of landscape. From the wooded riverbanks in the Upper Danube Valley to the fertile plains in the Eferding Basin and Machland and the rugged rock formations in the once feared Strudengau: the breathtaking natural landscape is to be conquered step by step, with incredible panoramic views of the river from above.

© © Tourismusverband Donau Oberösterreich | Kuscheiart
Freundinnen genießen den stimmungsvollen Ausblick auf die Donauschlinge Schlögen beim wandern.
Schlögener Donauschlinge
© ©TourismusverbandDonauOberösterreichKuscheiart Wander Shooting, Burgruine Schaunberg
Freundinnen wandern bei der Burgruine Schaunberg
Schaunberg castle ruins
© © Tourismusverband Donau Oberösterreich | Sintwerk GmbH
Zwei Freundinnen wandern bei der Burg Kreuzen in Bad Kreuzen. Umgeben von der historischen Kulisse der Burg und der malerischen Landschaft genießen sie die Wanderung durch die abwechslungsreiche Umgebung und erleben die beeindruckende Verbindung von Geschichte und Natur.
Kreuzen Castle

Enjoyable hiking: Nature, exercise and relaxation.

Donausteig hiking trail, simply fabulous!

The long distance hiking trail Donausteig leads on 450 km from Passau via Linz to Grein. On the way hikers meet impressive landscapes, unique cultural heritage and enchanting legendary figures.

Hiking routes in the Danube region

The hiking trail network in the Danube region in Upper Austria consists of the Donausteig long-distance hiking trail with its 49 Donausteig loops into the Danube hinterland, as well as numerous other regional hiking trails.

Information on diversions and closures
Current news of the Donausteig hiking trail

Tour planner - the interactive hiking map


Interactive route planning

To plan your hiking tour in the Danube region in Upper Austria, use the tour portal with an interactive hiking map with detailed route descriptions and GPS data for download.

All tours with all details and maps can be saved as PDF files and printed out.

The tour planner also allows you to create your very own tour with an individual route and print it out as a PDF.

Experience the Danube Region

The Danube region in Upper Austria with its breathtaking natural scenery is a wonderful place for a holiday or even the next excursion - alone, as a couple or with the whole family.

Enjoy a holiday in the Danube region without a car

Did you know? The Danube region with its dense cycling and hiking network is easy to explore without a car. Arrive, get into the saddle or into your hiking boots and enjoy your holiday without a car - it's good for nature and good for yourself, because on a discovery tour on two wheels or on foot you get to know the country and its people up close and immerse yourself even more intensively in the holiday experience.

Best Trails of Austria

The Best Trails of Austria unite the four best long-distance hiking trails in Austria. The Donausteig is part of this cooperation. Discover the natural beauty of the country and enjoy unforgettable hiking experiences.

Austria's best long-distance hiking trails

Lechweg (Tyrol)
Donausteig (Upper Austria)
Wachau World Heritage Trail (Lower Austria)
Alpannonia (Burgenland)