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Schärding, Oberösterreich, Österreich

Aged and eternally young: Schärding manages the balancing act
Anyone who thinks that Schärding's 700th anniversary celebrations last year were the last straw is mistaken: this year, the baroque town on the River Inn once again offers plenty of reasons to visit. With its markets, festivals and cultural events, the town is a popular destination for anyone who loves charm and flair.

Schärding welcomes all visitors in bright colors and with open arms. Tempts you to stay even longer and doesn't leave you even when going home. If you have been a guest in Schärding, you know what it means to be away from home but still home. The baroque jewel at the river Inn is a lovely town. Breath history with every step, but it'll never feel old and boring. Exactly the opposite - when you walk through the historic lanes and paths, enjoy the different squares, promenades and parks, you'll feel the liveliness of Schärding.

  • 5.269Inhabitants

  • 4.08 km²Area

  • 313 m ASLElevation

  • 48.46, 13.43GPS coordinates

A8 autobahn Linz - Regensburg - Frankfurt/A3
Regensburg-Frankfurt A3 - Pocking exit

Passau - 16km
Thermal spa resorts of Bad Füssing - Bad Griesbach - Bad Birnbach - 22km
Bavarian Forest - 40km
Salzkammergut Lake District - 70km
Salzburg - 95km
Linz - 90km
Vienna - 250km
Schärding train station

Munich Airport (easily accessible by car - 1.5 hours´ autobahn drive)
Linz/Hörsching Airport (easily accessible by car - 1 hour autobahn drive)
Salzburg Airport (approx. 1h, 15min. from Schärding)

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers


Schärding Tourismus
Innbruckstraße 29
4780 Schärding

Phone +43 7712 4300
E-Mail info@schaerding.at
Web www.donauregion.at/schaerding

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Service & information

Tourismusverband Donau Oberösterreich
Lindengasse 9
4040 Linz

Phone +43 732 7277 - 888
E-Mail info@donauregion.at
Web www.donauregion.at

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