© Foto Oberösterreich Tourismus/Donau OÖ/Robert Maybach
Eine Gruppe steht auf der Aussichtsplattform bei der Schlögener Schlinge und blickt über die Landschaft, auf der Donau fährt gerade ein Schiff.

Delicacies and show workshops in the Danube Region

On the Danube there are numerous fine delicacies that you simply have to try: sweet, spicy, liquid... In the show workshops you can watch our masters very closely.

The following photo gallery can be navigated with the arrow keys (left, right).

Contact & Service

WGD Donau Oberösterreich Tourismus GmbH
Lindengasse 9
4040 Linz

Phone +43 732 7277-811
Fax machine +43 732 7277-804
E-Mail schiff@donauregion.at
Web www.schiffsanlegestellen.at

Delicacies and show workshops


Viticulture Leo Gmeiner - Viticulture in Upper Austria

Wine has been pressed on the farm since 2005. Meanwhile, four different types of wine grow on about one hectare. The offer ranges from Bouvier to trendy Chardonnay to classic Zweigelt, single-varietal Rösler to our own premium wine aged in French oak…

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Trappist brewery and liqueur production in Stift Engelszell

The fruits of the work of the monks of Stift Engelszell visitors can enjoy, shop and take home. The monastary has always been famous for its liqueurs. Especially digestible is the "Magenbitter". The recipe of the herbal mixture acquired by the…

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St. Aegidi

Sauwald-Vodka, Martin Paminger

The Sauwald region has long been known as the home of Sauwald potatoes. But what if this aroma could also develop in a liquid state? When Martin Paminger traveled from St. Aegidi in the Sauwald  to Sweden, he found inspiration there for a "crazy…

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