Winter wonderland in the Mühlviertel
Beautifully snow-covered landscapes - that's winter in Pfarrkichen!From Austria:
Motorway A1 until Linz - B 127 until the roundabout in Altenfelden - junction in the direction of Lembach/Hofkirchen - continuing until the junction to Pfarrkirchen.
From Germany:
Motorway A3 until Passau north - B 388 in the direction of Wegscheid until the junction to Oberkappel (border) - crossing in Oberkappel - direction sign to Pfarrkirchen.
From Austria:
Mühlkreisbahn until the rail station of Neufelden - from here continuing with the taxi (Heinzl in Pfarrkirchen).
From Germany:
Rail station of Passau - from here continuing with the taxi (Heinzl in Pfarrkirchen).
Airport Linz/Hörsching - from here continuing with the taxi (Heinzl in Pfarrkirchen).
Danube until the pier of Niederranna. From here continuing with the taxi (Heinzl in Pfarrkirchen).
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