© ©WGDDonauOberoesterreichTourismusGmbHErber Curhaus Bad Mühllacken Shooting, zwei Frauen stehen auf einem Felsen und machen Yoga

Healing recovery
in the Danube region.

The power of nature for your well-being

The Danube region offers a wide range of health resorts in beautiful locations along the great river. In health resorts, experts provide professional and sensitive support during your health holiday. Healing methods such as TEM - Traditional European Medicine and Kneipp therapy activate the body's self-healing powers and lead to long-term and sustainable well-being.

© © Tourismusverband Donau Oberösterreich | Sintwerk GmbH
Zwei Freundinnen wandern durch das kühle, seichte Wasser im Stillensteinklamm in Bad Kreuzen. Umgeben von den beeindruckenden Felswänden und der üppigen Vegetation genießen sie das erfrischende Naturerlebnis und die besondere Atmosphäre der Schlucht.

Kneipp therapy
in crystal clear water


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Health holidays in the Danube region

Traditional European Medicine

Kneipp therapy awakens the spirits

The natural healing method of Pastor Sebastian Kneipp, one of the most important representatives of TEM, is based on the five pillars of nutrition, exercise, water, medicinal plants and a conscious lifestyle - or order of life, as Kneipp called it. This simple but effective healing method can change a lot. Kneipp therapy strengthens the immune system and activates self-healing. It has a balancing effect and is the ideal time-out in everyday life.

More about the 5 pil

Holistic health means that the mind also needs to calm down so that the body can detoxify.

Recharge your batteries in nature

Strength lies in tranquillity.

You can come to rest and replenish your energy reserves at special places of power in the great outdoors.

Moss-covered granite formations in the forest, picturesque river courses and breathtaking viewpoints capture the energy of nature.

Many of these extraordinary natural and cultural jewels have been used as places of worship for centuries and still magically attract people today, such as the Pesenbach Valley in Bad Mühllacken or the Stillenstein Gorge near Grein.

Places to linger, savour and recharge your batteries!

Further offers for your well-being