Transdanube Travel Stories
The Danube region is rich in cultural and natural heritage. Whereas there are already many initiatives dealing with conservation and research, the project recognises sustainable tourism as another important option to use and preserve this heritage. Tourists often spend only few days at selected destinations, which they mainly reach by plane and/or car. Efforts to develop sustainable methods of exploitation of the vast touristic potential are limited, linkages of different touristic products which would increase the touristic significance of the Danube region are missing. European Cultural Routes and the other networks represented in this project set first steps to valorise these assets in that direction.
Project Goals:
Recognizing the vast cultural and natural heritage, the project Transdanube Travel Stories aims at supporting sustainable tourism in the Danube region by implementing innovative promotion concepts (new narratives) and sustainable mobility management tools.
New narratives and mobility management together with advanced institutional capacities will provide the framework to better position the Danube as a unique sustainable tourism destination on the market resulting in more European citizens experiencing European cultural and natural heritage in a sustainable way.
Project Activities:
- Development of new narratives to promote the Danube macro-region as touristic area. Single sites do not attract tourists, but linking selected sites to a story (along a trail) that can be experienced will create interest and lead to a Danube memory. Therefore, new and innovative tools are elaborated.
- The integration of mobility management instruments (mobility managers, mobility plans) in institutional structures at route and destination level will make it easier for tourists to experience the new narratives by using environmentally-friendly means of transport and therefore limit the negative, transport related consequences of raising tourist numbers.
- Establishment of tourism product clubs at destination level and improved thematic and institutional linkages between the European Cultural Routes and other networks to strengthen the cooperation between the key actors and increase their capacities to promote sustainable tourism in the Danube region.
Project Partners:
Environment Agency Austria | AUSTRIA
Danube Office Ulm/Neu-Ulm - representing Danube.Pearls Network | GERMANY
WDG Danube Upper Austria Tourism Ltd. – representing Danube.Pearls Network | AUSTRIA
Tourist board Linz - representing the Route of Emperors and Kings | AUSTRIA
West Pannon Regional and Economic Development Public Nonprofit Ltd. - representing Via Sancti Martini | HUNGARY
Institute for Culture, Tourism and Sport Murska Sobota - representing European Route of Jewish Heritage | SLOVENIA
Croatian Association for Tourism and Rural Development “The Village Membership Club” - representing Iter Vitis Route | CROATIA
Association for promoting tourism in Oradea and its region - representing Réseau Art Nouveau Network | ROMANIA
Danube Competence Center (DCC) - representing the Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Route | SERBIA
DANUBEPARKS – Danube River Network of Protected Areas | AUSTRIA
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Contact & Service
Danube Upper AustriaWGD Donau Oberösterreich Tourismus GmbH Tourismusverband Donau Oberösterreich
Lindengasse 9
4040 Linz
Phone +43 732 7277-888
Fax machine +43 732 7277-804
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