Vichtenstein is one of the most beautiful holiday resorts of Sauwald Forest.
Vichtenstein towers high above the Danube. The town is dominated by 895 meters high Haugstein Mountain, the highest peak of Sauwald Forest, that lends itself to outstanding nature exploration at all times of the year. The ancient toll-village Kasten is situated right by the Danube in the dam area of the Jochenstein power station. The 800-year-old subsidiary church dedicated to St James is definitely worth a visit. Right beside the Danube an information board will give you details on the long tradition of raftmanship. Rafts were built here until 1937.Coming from Linz: B129 Nibelungen Road to Eferding - B130 - Engelhartszell - Kasten - Vichtenstein
Coming from Passau: Autobahn Exit Passau-Nord - B129 (Linz/Oberes Donautal)
Public Transportation: Linz - Engelhartszell - Kasten - Vichtenstein
Regional Transportation of Eastern Bavaria: Passau - Vichtenstein
Linz-Hörsching Airport (65km)
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