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MTB - Eidenberger Alm circuit

  • Flatly

 Interactive elevation profile

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Starting place: 4201 Eidenberg
Destination: 4201 Eidenberg

duration: 5h 6m
length: 42,4 km
Altitude difference (uphill): 1.075m
Altitude difference (downhill): 1.075m

Lowest point: 393m
Highest point: 886m
panoramic view: Dreamtour

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Quality of experience: *****

Recommended season:
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October

  • Loop
  • Scenic
  • Refreshment stops available
The tour starts at the Eidenberger Alm, but you can get on at any point along the route.

Right at the beginning you reach the highest point of the route, the GIS, where you are rewarded with a magnificent panoramic view over Upper Austria and western Lower Austria to the Alps. The route continues via Lichtenberg to Koglerau with its beautiful view of the Danube, just a short detour from the route (about 30m). The loop continues to Gramastetten, from there to the Rodltal and along the Ranitzbach. The Mühlviertel hills, up and down, so you reach Untergeng, from where it rises again to the Eidenberger Alm continuously.

There are refreshment stops along the route or at the Eidenberger Alm.

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
Most economical season
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn

Please get in touch for more information.

MTB - Eidenberger Alm circuit
WGD Donau Oberösterreich Tourismus GmbH
Lindengasse 9
4040 Linz

Phone +43 732 7277 - 800
Fax machine +43 732 7277 - 804
E-Mail info@donauregion.at
Web www.donauregion.at

 Interactive elevation profile

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Starting place: 4201 Eidenberg
Destination: 4201 Eidenberg

duration: 5h 6m
length: 42,4 km
Altitude difference (uphill): 1.075m
Altitude difference (downhill): 1.075m

Lowest point: 393m
Highest point: 886m
panoramic view: Dreamtour

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