© ©WGDDonauOberoesterreichTourismusGmbHCMVisuals Donauradweg reloaded, Schlögener Schlinge, Donauschlinge, Schlögenerschlinge, Haibach


Linz, Oberösterreich, Österreich
The FESTIVAL DER REGIONEN is one of the most prominent festivals for contemporary art and culture in Austria.
Since 1993, it has been held every two years outside the urban agglomerations and cultural centres of Upper Austria. In the 26 years of its existence, the Festival of Regions has focussed on highly topical and timeless issues: Home, work, asylum, hostility, migration, exclusion. With its approach of using contemporary art to address social issues and everyday life, the festival aims to create a dialogue between the local population and local, regional and international artists. Participation is a top priority. The festival aims to leave its mark, take up and initiate discussion processes, encourage or initiate requests for change, take the population's needs seriously and develop visions for the future together with them. In 2019, we once again succeeded in attracting local, national and international artists who will contribute to a unique festival programme with their participatory projects on the theme of "Social Warmth". This Festival of Regions would not be possible without the funding bodies, sponsors and supporters and without the numerous helpers on site. Without the people in the region who are so enthusiastic about the projects and experiments, who get involved, are committed, curious and participate, it would not be the Festival of the Regions.
Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers

Please get in touch for more information.


Tabakfabrik / Ludlgasse 19 / Bau 3
4020 Linz

mobile +43 680 4013974
E-Mail office@fdr.at
Web fdr.at

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