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Herz Jesu Church

Linz, Oberösterreich, Österreich

The Herz-Jesu-Kirche, designed by Raimund Jeblinger, has been a parish church in the Bulgariplatz district since 1908. The three-aisled basilica is a Romanesque style copy.

The parish church of the Redemptorists at the corner of Wienerstraße and Lissagasse is a Romanesque style copy. The three-nave basilica has a richly structured western façade with two lateral tower-like round buildings. In the arched field of the main portal there is a bust of Christ, on the north portal a bust of Mary between two angels. The tower is located on the south side of the just closed choir.

The foundation stone for the church of the Redemptorist monastery was laid in 1901, the consecration took place in 1903. The designs were made by Raimund Jeblinger, since 1908 the Herz-Jesu-Church has been a parish church.

Mon-Sun 7 am-7 pm

  • opened daily
  • open to the public

Accessibility / arrival

Linz Linien: 1, 2 - Herz Jesu Kirche

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers

Please get in touch for more information.


Herz Jesu Church
Lissagasse 4
4020 Linz

Phone +43 732 652126
E-Mail pfarre.linz.herzjesu@dioezese-linz.at
Web www.dioezese-linz.at/linz-herzjesu

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