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Caritas Oberösterreich; Caritas Invita - psychosoziale Betreuung und Caritas St. Bernhard Seniorenwohnhaus

Engelhartszell, Oberösterreich, Österreich
  • Suitable for kids (all ages)

Caritas Upper Austria; Invita and St. Bernhard retirement home
The Engelhartszell day centre offers people with mental illnesses employment in various areas of work. The aim is to maintain and promote mental and physical abilities as well as independence. Work is known to be "the best medicine" to strengthen self-esteem. This programme is open to both invita residents and people with mental disabilities from the region.

We offer ...

Care and support during opening hours from 07:30 to 16:30
Multi-professional team
Individually customised, clearly structured and regulated daily routines
Promotion of personal responsibility
Development of personal goals through individual support based on jointly developed care concepts

Areas of work:

Contract work: Carrying out various industrial tasks in cooperation with companies, e.g. labelling, packaging, sorting cartridges, etc.
Woodworking: production of smaller products, e.g. puzzles, bottle packaging, etc.
Ceramics: Designing decorative and everyday objects
Tile processing: products such as borders for bathrooms, planters, mirrors, etc. are made using broken tiles
Greenteam: Various activities depending on the season: gardening, contract work for the municipality (mowing traffic islands, disposing of grass cuttings, etc.)
Office: Performing various office tasks, e.g. copying, creating graphic designs, running errands for the post office, bank
Creative group: Production of products in the creative field
Honeycomb: Support area for clients with special needs
Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
  • Suitable for kids (all ages)
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn
  • Winter

Please get in touch for more information.


Caritas Oberösterreich; Caritas Invita - psychosoziale Betreuung und Caritas St. Bernhard Seniorenwohnhaus
Stiftstraße 6
4090 Engelhartszell

Phone +43 7717 7840
Fax machine +43 7717 7840 - 40
E-Mail invita@caritas-linz.at
Web www.caritas-linz.at

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