© ©WGDDonauOberoesterreichTourismusGmbHCMVisuals Donauradweg reloaded, Schlögener Schlinge, Donauschlinge, Schlögenerschlinge, Haibach

Grüne Erde

Linz, Oberösterreich, Österreich
Products for natural living and sleeping, natural cosmetics and ecological fashion. A longing drives us. The longing for a life in accordance with nature and human beings.
Thinking and acting of the Green Earth is guided by the longing for an ecologically responsible, socially just, quality-conscious and sensual life.
The ideal of living and doing business in harmony with nature and mankind determines our basic values and therefore also the way we produce our products.

Mon-Fri 10 am- 6 pm; Sat 10 am- 5 pm

Closing day
  • Sunday
  • holiday
Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers

Please get in touch for more information.


Grüne Erde
Bethlehemstraße 10
4020 Linz

Phone +43 7615 203 - 410
E-Mail beratung@grueneerde.com
Web www.grueneerde.com

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