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Shipping Pier Engelhartszell III

Engelhartszell, Oberösterreich, Österreich
River miles: 2200,3-60 bis 2200,1-20
Shore: the right bank
System: pontoon
Harbour regulations: 2 boats (max. width 35 m)
Infrastructure: on request from WGD
Tourism and culture in a beautiful surroundings
The third shipping pier in Engelhartszell is centrally located, short 200 m downstream after the second pier – especially recommended for night-time arrivals.
From here, you can reach the rococo minster Engelszell, the Trappist’s monastery with the famous liqueurs and cheeses in only a few minutes’ walk.
Also recommended are interesting excursions, for example to the famous “Baumkronenweg” in Kopfing. Discover the beauty of the landscape and the characteristics of the Danube valley.

Webcam on the Penzenstein with a view of the three landing stages in Engelhartszell

Tourism and culture in beautiful natural surroundings
The third landing stage in Engelhartszell is very centrally located about 200 metres down the Danube from the second landing stage - it is particularly recommended for night moorings.
The rococo-style Engelszell Abbey Church and the Engelszell Abbey with its famous monastery liqueurs and Trappist cheese are also just a few minutes' walk from here.
The Schütz Art Museum presents works of art from the 19th century, art nouveau, classical modernism, avant-garde, expressionism and contemporary art in a unique architectural setting.
Many interesting excursions in the surrounding area, such as the famous treetop walk in Kopfing, provide visitors with interesting insights into the beauty of the landscape and the special features of the Danube valley.
Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn

Please get in touch for more information.


Shipping Pier Engelhartszell III
Nibelungenstraße 193
4090 Engelhartszell

Phone +43 732 7277 - 800
E-Mail info@donauregion.at
Web www.schiffsanlegestellen.at

Contact person

WGD Donau Oberösterreich Tourismug GmbH

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