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Lauf- und Bewegungspark "Unterer Inn"

Wernstein am Inn, Oberösterreich, Österreich

Running distances from easy to difficult, shortest distance 4,300 m, longest distance 31.15 km.

Experience the landscape, nature and diverse culture in the Inn Valley communities of Wernstein am Inn, Passau, Neuburg am Inn and Neuhaus am Inn. Perfectly signposted running and Nordic walking routes.
Details can be found at http://maps.gisdat.at/bewegungspark_inn.
The Zweibrückenlauf takes place every year on the second Saturday in September in conjunction with the bridge festival. Course length 13.44 km, elevation profile 80 m.
Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers

Please get in touch for more information.


Lauf- und Bewegungspark "Unterer Inn"
4783 Wernstein am Inn

Phone +43 7713 7000
Fax machine +43 7713 7000 - 20
E-Mail gemeinde@wernstein-inn.ooe.gv.at
Web maps.gisdat.at/bewegungspark_inn

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