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Rastplatz Weinhütterl

Aschach an der Donau, Oberösterreich, Österreich

Rest area "Weinhütterl" in Aschach an der Donau

Young wine of old vineyards…
In 777, twelve centuries ago, the vineyards of Aschach were already documented in the founding certificates of the Diocese “Stift Kremsmünster”. The culture of wine in Aschach can be attributed to Roman, if not Celtic origins.
The Pannonian climate enabled the fast expansion of the wine-growing area until the turn of the century. In times of the Carolingian (770 – 930) up to 14 places connected to wine growing existed in Upper Austria. Until the end of the middle age over a dozen Austrian and Bavarian monasteries cultivated wine gardens. When in 1512 the Emperor Maximilian I. awarded the popular emblem with grapevines, the local viticulture reached its climax. In the years around 1445 the producers conveyed alone via the Danube one million litres of wine. In the 17th and 18th century the winegrowing decreased mostly as a consequence of worse climate conditions. Wine gardens had to give way to the more economically interesting grain farming.
Since several years dedicated orchardists attempt a new start in the traditional regions of winegrowing. Progressive viticulture and modern cellar techniques enable an economically viable wine production.

  • always open (24/7)
  • open to the public

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
  • Suitable for seniors
  • Suitable for single travelers
  • Suitable for friends
  • Suitable for couples
  • Suitable for children
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn

Please get in touch for more information.


Rastplatz Weinhütterl
Nähe Siernerstr.
4082 Aschach an der Donau

Phone +43 7273 6355 - 0
Fax machine +43 7273 6355 - 17
E-Mail gemeinde@aschach-donau.ooe.gv.at
Web www.aschach.at

Contact person

Marktgemeinde Aschach
Abelstraße 44
4082 Aschach an der Donau

Phone +43 7273 6355 - 0
Fax machine +43 7273 6355 - 17
E-Mail gemeinde@aschach-donau.ooe.gv.at
Web www.aschach.at

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