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Fischereiverein Enns

Enns, Oberösterreich, Österreich
  • Suitable for kids (all ages)

The Enns Fishing Association, a member of the OÖ. Fischerbund, established in A-4470 Enns, Upper Austria, is an up-and-coming association with around 200 members, which is constantly endeavouring to offer its members new opportunities to pursue their hobby.
The association also focuses on nature conservation, in particular the protection of the last remaining alluvial areas in the Enns region, the protection and creation of spawning grounds through the renaturalisation of bodies of water.

Since the association was founded in 1975, numerous fishing waters have been leased, some fishing waters purchased and a silted-up oxbow lake recreated. This oxbow lake was accepted by numerous fish species as a spawning ground immediately after it was opened to the Danube.

Most of our waters are located on the Enns and Danube rivers and belong primarily to the so-called "barbel region", but also to the grayling region.

The association has carried out the following projects:
Renaturalisation of the Hambergeraltarm, extension of the Hamberaltarm, which was completed in summer 2003, the grayling project, the Näsling project and the wild carp project.
In recent years, the Enns Fishing Association has also been working on a nature trail project with a fish ladder at the auxiliary weir in the municipality of Enns. However, the project is currently not realisable and has been "put on ice".

The Enns fishing association is established in Enns, the oldest town in Austria. Due to its location on the Danube and the Enns, in the so-called "Enns-Danube angle", "fishing" has a centuries-old tradition.

The Enns fishing club built a beautiful clubhouse, the so-called "Fischerhaus", from the ruins of the former Taborhaus in the floodplain area on the banks of the Danube. This is certainly the centre of the club's activities. Club-internal and public events are held at and in the "Fischerhaus". The annual fishing festival in particular is always very well attended.
Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
  • Suitable for kids (all ages)
  • Suitable for friends
  • Suitable for couples
  • Suitable for children
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn

Please get in touch for more information.


Fischereiverein Enns
Michael Lehner Weg 6
4470 Enns

Phone +43 7223 82498
E-Mail buero@fvenns.at
Web www.fvenns.at

Contact person
Mr Erwin Loibl
Michael Lehner Weg 6
4470 Enns

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