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Parish Church of Wernstein

Wernstein am Inn, Oberösterreich, Österreich
The Parish Church of Wernstein is dedicated to Saint George. The Church is a one nave building in late Gothic style that probably was erected in the late 15th or in the early 16th century.

In 1966 and 1967, Edgar Telesko and Helmut Werthgarner conceived the design for two barrel vaulted reinforced concrete structures that were erected to substitute older annexes.

Remarkable pointed arch windows can be admired in the nave. The presbytery boasts two and three-part windows with ornate plasterwork that were restored in 1892.

The Baroque style six story steeple with cupola dates back to the year 1730 and rises 36 meters tall from the west wall of the Church. Among the most noticeable and striking features of the Church is a statue depicting Saint George and a concrete cast of Alois Beham.

The Parish Church is encircled by the cemetery. The artist Alfred Kubin and his wife Hedwig, the graphic designer and master of woodcutting Herbert Fladerer, the writer Herbert Lange, Dr. Alois Beham and parish priest and collector of Kubin´s art Alois Samhaber all have found their final resting place here.

Church Services:
Saturdays 7:30pm
Sundays: 07:00am and 09:00am

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers

Please get in touch for more information.


Parish Church of Wernstein
Schulstraße 1
4783 Wernstein am Inn

Phone +43 7713 6080
E-Mail pfarre.wernstein@dioezese-linz.at
Web www.dioezese-linz.at/wernstein

Contact person
Katholisches Pfarramt Wernstein am Inn

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