© Donausteig Donauschlinge Schlögen © Tourist Association Danube Upper Austria / Kaindlstorfer
Donausteig Donauschlinge Schlögen © Tourist Association Danube Upper Austria / Kaindlstorfer

Tips for a pleasure hiking along the Donausteig

What to consider when hiking the Donausteig.

Hiking tours in a beautiful natural area are relaxing and exciting at the same time. We have compiled a list with a few tips for you to ensure a safe hiking trip in the region Danube Upper Austria.

Tip 1: Be fit when hiking the Donausteig!

Most accidents happen when hikers are getting tired or exhausted. Therefore, they also need a training like other poeple doing sports in their leisure time.

Tip 2: No hiking tour without careful planning!

Each hiking tour needs a good planning. Compile your necessary equipment carefully and before starting your hike, make sure to have a good breakfast without stuffing oneself.

Tip 3: Start your hike slowly! 

It is always advisable to take enough food and drinks with you. When you recognise first signs of exhaustion, make a pause, eat and drink something- bread, cookies, chocolate etc. and drink as much as possible (2-3 litres during a hiking day).

Tip 4: Do not ask too much of your children!

Hiking tours with children need a very careful planning with an appropriate and varied programme. They want to see and experience something instead of getting bored. 

Tip 5: During your hike: Drink enough!

During your hike, you should drink 2-3 litres in order to ensure the mineral salt balance. It is advisable to do not drink alcool when hiking long stages.

The following photo gallery can be navigated with the arrow keys (left, right).

Additional tips and advice:

  • Backpack with emergency catering
  • Take enough drinking water with you
  • Wear sturdy trekking or hiking shoes
  • Hiking clothes, also for bad weather phases
  • Headgear and sunscreen
  • Take appropriate maps with you
  • For longer tours we recommend hiking poles
  • Flashlight and whistle for emergencies
  • A cell phone helps in case of emergency (Euro emergency number: 112)


Our request to our hiking guests:

  • Stay on the marked trails
  • Please do not leave your garbage along the path
  • Respect flora & fauna

Good to know.

Tides: All walking times are approximate based on the time of a trained hiker. Plan accordingly for reserves.

Weather: Always inform yourself about the current weather conditions and take them into account in your tour planning.

Payment: Not all accommodation and restaurants accept credit cards, please take enough cash with you.

Contact & Service

Danube Upper Austria
WGD Donau Oberösterreich Tourismus GmbH Tourismusverband Donau Oberösterreich
Lindengasse 9
4040 Linz

Phone +43 732 7277-888
Fax machine +43 732 7277-804
E-Mail info@donauregion.at
Web www.donauregion.at/en