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Mountainbikestrecke "Löffler-Runde"

  • Flatly
  • Possible accommodation

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Starting place: 4724 Neukirchen am Walde
Destination: 4724 Neukirchen am Walde

duration: 3h 58m
length: 44,7 km
Altitude difference (uphill): 1.185m
Altitude difference (downhill): 1.190m

Lowest point: 365m
Highest point: 563m
difficulty: very difficult
condition: very difficult
panoramic view: Some Views

Paths covering:
Asphalt, Gravel

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For the very sporty, there are 1325 metres in altitude and almost 45 kilometres of the challenging Löffler circuit to conquer. From Neukirchen, the route alternates up and down, mostly off-road, via Schmeißlberg, Hungberg, Hörmading through the valley of the seven mills and up to the Reiterstüberl snack station. Past the Koaserin nature reserve and via the Ellinger-Alm
you come to Aubach, continuing via Höllberg up to the Hengstberger- Aussichtsplatz`l (it is possible to split the route). After the descent to Eschenau and the ascent via Miniberg, the route descends steeply to Scheiblberg. A steady ascent through the Mühlgraben past the Hammerschmiede smithy takes you up to the chapel in Dittersdorf (Reiter snack station). Via Hölzing and Hofstetten down to Willing, the Reitsteig and the Hofingerleiten, back up to Neukirchen, where the MTB inns Berghamer, Schrank and Postwirt are inviting.

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
Most economical season
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn

Please get in touch for more information.

Mountainbikestrecke "Löffler-Runde"
Leader Hausruck-Nord
4724 Neukirchen am Walde

Phone +43 7278 20337
mobile +43 664 5032224
E-Mail leader@hausrucknord.at
Web www.sternenland.at

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 Interactive elevation profile

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Starting place: 4724 Neukirchen am Walde
Destination: 4724 Neukirchen am Walde

duration: 3h 58m
length: 44,7 km
Altitude difference (uphill): 1.185m
Altitude difference (downhill): 1.190m

Lowest point: 365m
Highest point: 563m
difficulty: very difficult
condition: very difficult
panoramic view: Some Views

Paths covering:
Asphalt, Gravel

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