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Schärding - Passau Variant 2 (East)

  • Suitable for families
  • Suitable for pushchairs

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Path number: R3
Starting place: 4780 Schärding
Destination: 94036 Passau

duration: 1h 9m
length: 17,1 km
Altitude difference (uphill): 82m
Altitude difference (downhill): 94m

Lowest point: 293m
Highest point: 351m
difficulty: medium
condition: medium
panoramic view: Some Views

Paths covering:
Asphalt, Gravel

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Section description from Schärding through Wernstein to Passau.

Schärding – Wernstein (6km) From Schärding, you take a left at the Water Gate (Wassertor), ride through the Passauer Gate and then take another left to the docks, where you will once again be led to the bike path. You then ride over the Prambrücke and then over a small wooden bridge to cross the Doblbach. You will soon see the Vornbach Monastery on the opposite bank. Below Vornbach, the Inn flows through the narrow valley past the Johannisfelsen. In the middle of the forest, the five-tower Neuburg rises into the white-blue Bavarian heavens. A new pedestrian and bikers’ bridge was built between Wernstein and Neuburg am Inn, which makes it possible for bikers to change banks. Wernstein - Passau (10 km) Before the road leaves the Inn, take a left and a new bike path begins after 200 metres. You reach the village of Pyret, with its docks and railway station, and then the Ingling barrage, over which you can cross the river. After the city limits sign for Ingling, a bridge leads to the other side of the tracks. Afterwards, you take a left and ride right towards the border crossing. Via the Passau suburbs, you reach the railway bridge over the Inn and ride past the long cemetery wall. By crossing the Innsteg, you will reach the city centre of Passau, along with pedestrians.
Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
  • Suitable for pushchairs
  • Suitable for teenagers
  • Suitable for single travelers
  • Suitable for families
  • Suitable for friends
  • Suitable for children
Most economical season
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn

Please get in touch for more information.

Schärding - Passau Variant 2 (East)
Tourismusverein Schärding
Innbruckstraße 29
4780 Schärding

Phone +43 7712 4300 - 0
E-Mail info@schaerding.info
Web www.schaerding.at

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 Interactive elevation profile

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Path number: R3
Starting place: 4780 Schärding
Destination: 94036 Passau

duration: 1h 9m
length: 17,1 km
Altitude difference (uphill): 82m
Altitude difference (downhill): 94m

Lowest point: 293m
Highest point: 351m
difficulty: medium
condition: medium
panoramic view: Some Views

Paths covering:
Asphalt, Gravel

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